Just Thinking

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Vet Visit

This one was just for heartworm test and to refill the HeartGard. Test was negative, and the good news is that Neely has lost 6 oz!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 2 In the Canoe

Wednesday morning I paddled a five mile trek down the New River in a canoe. It was an adventure! The water was very low and the canoe bottomed out a few times meaning I had to get out and shove it over the rocks. That stretch of the New has only Class 1 rapids and with the low water the hardest part was stearing around the rocks. I had never paddled a canoe in my life, but was determined to do it on my vacation. (Yes I had medical clearance with my shoulder).

I learned in the information noteboook in the room at the Dog House Resort that Zaloo's Canoes allowed dogs to ride in the canoes, so Neely came along.

It took a about 3 hours to get to the New River State Park site and then I had to haul the canoe out (had some help from fellow canoers who came up just after I did).

Vacation Day 1: Not counting the drive yesterday

Tuesday morning I drove around a bit to see the towns of Jefferson and West Jefferson. Found the scrapbook store in the Jefferson Station, and drove to see the two little churches with the frescoes by Ben Long.

In the afternoon, Neely and I went to Mount Jefferson Sate park and hiked to the summit.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Time for a Vacation!

This time tomorrow, Neely and I will be here...

We are staying at the Dog House Resort in West Jefferson NC, a B&B near the New River.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Happy Birthday Casey!

Casey turned 11 on Thursday August 2nd. He had some friends over today and will have a family get together Sunday.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

More Neely Medical Issues

Last night as Neely was getting ready to jump up on the couch with me, I noticed her neck was swollen. Closer inspection revealed a golf ball size hard knot on the right side and fluid on the left. She looked like she had the mumps. She was acting fine, but I was really worried, as it seemed to have come up suddenly. I stayed up all night making sure it was not obstructing her breathing.

This morning I called the vet first thing and got an appointment for 8:30. Dr. Moran examined her, took her temp, looked in her mouth for an absessed tooth or blocked salivary gland, aspirated some blood from the knot to examine and took some blood for blood work. The aspiration showed nothing, nor was there any infection visible in her mouth. Neely's white blood cell count was elevated so Dr. Moran assumes there is some infection somewhere. We have a prescription for Clavamox 1.t tablets twice a day.

Neely spent the rest of today with Dad while I went to work to give an exam and submit my grades.