I spent yesterday and today at the Caraway Conference Center just west of Asheboro attending meetings for the NC Early Childhood Curriculum Improvement Project. I am working with the group that is creating the course review tool.
I did take a walk around the lake after dinner last night and took some photos that I'll add later. Because it is a Baptist retreat center, they do not offer the distractions of TV's or phones in the rooms. I did have a laptop from campus media and there was wireless internet service available for some entertainment.
Edited to add photos: The tower is my team's winning creation during one of the training sessions. Our team consisted of architects and builders. The builders left the room for 10 minutes while the architects (I was an architect) created instructions for the builders to build the tallest possible tower from the Tinkertoys. The catch was we were not allowed to touch the pieces. The builders came in and had 10 minutes to create the tower, and we architects were not allowed to talk to them. It was very satisfying to have the winning tower!
Other photos were taken on my walk around the lake. I love the reflections.